Testimonials / Attestations
Our first initiative abroad is EnviroOne Africa; a combination of projects and activities in specific countries in Africa that are making a difference to the lives of people. Sierra Leone is our first African country that is benefiting from EnviroOne’s Africa initiative.
Below is a sample of testimonials and attestations that bear witness to EnviroOne’s efforts in giving hope to the hopeless and helping people to live a better life.
““EnviroOne....... having fulfilled the requirements for re-registration is hereby authorized to continue to operate as National Non-Governmental Organization....” We continue our work, impacting lives for another two years (2018 - 2019).”
“” I truly believe EnviroOne is God’s vision of hope and the call of the church to partner in this extension of God’s hand of mercy”.”
““Through its clean water, farmer education, and micro financing programs, many of our women (in farming and petty trading), and farmers in general have benefited enormously. We now have more women farmers…””
““EnviroOne is currently implementing a project titled Sustainable Agriculture and Microfinance ……supporting …… easy access to finance as well as providing farm inputs for production as post Ebola recovery strategy..””
““……EnviroOne Sierra Leone has been in partnership with this Ministry in promoting and implementing a range of poverty reduction programmes in Sierra Leone since its establishment and is working with and complementing efforts of the Ministry to provide social assistance to the vulnerable people”.”
““……..the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, Tonkolili District attest that it is a viable Project complementing the effort of government …. and ensuring food self sufficiency and security”.”
Why Africa?
According to a 2011 report in the Business Insider1, the percentage of people undernourished per capita is highest in Africa.
Further, in a 2009 World Bank report2 it is noted that the percentage of population living on less than $2 per day is highest in Africa.
Access to clean water is the most fundamental component in the development of any community. Yet, a report by WikiProgress on fresh water statistics3 noted that Africa has the lowest water poverty index. The lower the index, the bigger the water problem.
Hence in a 2015 report in the Inter Press Service4, the author noted that Africa must prioritize water in its development agenda.
For all these reasons, EnviroOne believes that its poverty reduction programs and human development activities will have the most impact in Africa.
Since 2011, we have been implementing programs that have impacted the lives of many in Sierra Leone especially in three Chiefdoms; lower Yoni, Koya, and Kaffu Bullom.
Specifically, we are:
Assisting farmers to increase crop production in a sustainable manner by
Educating farmers on modern farming techniques, including improving the value chain in crop production and food distribution systems,
Helping farmers adapt to the impacts of climate change, and
Helping the farmers move from subsistence to large scale farming as a business. Read More
Drilling water wells to improve the health and environment of citizens in our project areas. Read More
Implementing capacity building programs that empower women with livelihood and entrepreneurship skills in fruits and vegetable gardening. Read More
Implementing micro-finance loan programs to empower farmers, petty traders, and school teachers. Read More
How we measure success:
We measure success over periods of time using several variables in our control communities versus communities with implemented programs.
For example, we measure:
Increase in crop productivity and incomes of farmers in our communities,
Decrease in the number of visits to the health clinic,
Increase in the number of children that are taken out of the family farm to the classroom, and
Increase in new businesses due to available micro loans to farmers and petty traders.